Browse Items (6 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Tags: religion Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Judith Slaying Holofernes Gentileschi was one of the few women artist from her day. She was a part of the Counter-Reformation movement, during which there was a proliferation of religious art from the Catholic Church in an effort to counter the Protestant movemtent. Tags: catholic, counter-reformation, italy, religion A christall glasse of christian reformation Book describing good christian morals as believed during the Reformation. Tags: protestant, reformation, religion The Byble, that is to saye, all the [holy]e Scripture English version of the Bible, 16th century Tags: bible, protestant, religion St. Pius the Fifth Engraving of Pope Pius V Tags: pope, religion The Freedom of a Christian An early writing of Martin Luther about the duty of a Christian. This is one of the main writings of the Protestant Reformation. Tags: reformation, religion Johann Sebastian Bach Tags: music, reformation, religion Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2